пятница, 25 ноября 2016 г.


1.The man works in the field
 does the man work in the field

2.she makes very good coffee
Does she make very good coffee

3.they make very good tea
Do they make bery good tea

4.please close the door
Do please close the door

5.the man is very handsome
Is the man very handsome

6.he  reads many books
Does he read many book

7.the waites do their work well
Do the waiter do their work well

8.he can speak English very well
Can he speaks English very well

9.she  writes a letter every day
Does she wirite a letter every day

10.the students have new books
Do the students have new books

11.i go to bed very early
Goi to bed very early
12.the boy swims to the big rock
Does the boy swim to the big rock

13.the boys swim to the big rock
Do they boys swim to the big rock

14.the girls are playing tennis
With their fasthers
Are they girls do playing tennis with their fasrhers

15.the girls play tennis with their
Do they girls play tennis withtheir

16.the dog sleeps all day in the hotel
Does the dog sleep all day in the hotel

17.i climb big moutiains
Do I climb big mountains

18.harry climb big moutains
Does harry climb big mountains

19.harry is climbing the big mountain
Is harry climbing the big mountin

20. I know all about the negative of verbs
Do I know all about the negative of verbs

1.he teaches English ti tis student
Does he teach English ti tis student

 2.he knows French and German
Does he know French and German

3.mr. priestley can write these languages
Does mr. Priestley speak these languages well

4.mr. priestley can write these languages well.

5.he work at his dest
Does he work at his dest

6.he is sitting by the fire
He sitting by the fire

7.the syudents come in this room
Do the students come in this room

8.the students sit in this room
Do the students sit in this room

9.the boys and girls stay with theis father at the seaside
Do the boys and girls stay with theirsfather at the seaside

10.this boy plays footboll
Does this boy play footboll

11.English people stay at this hotel
Do English people stay at this hotel
12.the boy swims to the big rock every day
Does the boy swims to the big rock every day

13.the woman eats ices
Does the woman eats ices

14. the men drink tea and coffee
Do the men drink tea and coffee

15.they often swim in the afternoon

do they often swim in the afthernoon

1.there arent any morebananas
2.there isn’t any moreice cream
3.there aren’t any more eggs
4.there aren’t any more carrots
5.there isn’t any more sugar

1.is there any milk? No there isn’t
2.are there any apples? yes there are
3.is there any cereal? Yes there  is
4.are there any  eggs? Yes there are
5.are there any cookies? No there aren’t

6.is there any cheese? Yes there isn’t 

1.onions are in hisle
2.sugar is in aisle
3.eggs are in aisle
4.tomatoes are in asile
5.lettuce is in aisle

6.adda is in aisle

1.we eat eggs for breakfast every day
2.our teacher always givs us homework on Fridays
3.im sorry-ido not know the awswer
4.my father does  not like footboll
5.do go all your friends go to the same scool?

6.where does your best friend libe


1.i opened the door and looked isinde
2.who closed all the windows?
3.i carried my moms shopping bag
4.i not climb ower the facnce
5.i riped my shirt
6.the plance landed ten minutes agd
7.we lived in that house when I was about
8.my brother not cry when he fell of hiss bike
9.we walked to school yester day
10.she smiled when she san me
11.we hcirryed to the sation to catch the train
12.she lanughed when I told her the joke
13.dad not slep me witt my homework
15.helen wsisper me a secrer
16.luis Miguel hurried to catch a bus
17.we returned our books to the liborry
18.she not kissed the frog
19.the frog changed in to a pringe
20.two doctors rushed  in to the room
21.i kicked the ball very  very hard
22.who invent the comouther?
23.dinosaurs lived many years ago
24.it not snowed last nichf
25.they not work until twenlve last night

1.I wanted to make myself some vegetable soup but there weren’t some vegetables left
2.if you re hungry have some sandniches
3.we bought some rice but we didn’t buy any tomatoes
4.lets habe some dessert

5.can I have any sugar in my coffee

1.I am takeing my sister to school now
2. he is helping his father now
3.at the moments they river for a swim
4.she is playing the violin for a swim
5.i am reaping now
6.he is sleping now

7.we am orinking tea now 

1.I take her to schoolevery day
2.he helps his father veryofthen
3.they usually am go to the river for  swim
4.she plays every day
5.i read every day
6.he dring tea every night

7.we dring tea every morning

1.I am takeing my sister to school now
2.he is helping his father now
3.at the moment they are to going to the river for a swim
4.she is playing the violin now
5.i am reading now
6.he is sleeping

7.we are drinking tea now

1.am I takieing my sister to school now
2.is he helping his father now
3.are at the moment they going to the river for a swim
4.is she playing the violin now
5.i am reading now
6.is he sleeping

7.are he driking tea now

1.mary hurries to school every morning
2.we speak English very well
3.the man lives in a big house
4.i drink milk every morning
5.my father reads newspapers every morning
6.my father givesbod money every week
7.cats eats mice
8.a teacuer works hard
9.i clean my teeth every morning

10.the shopkeeper opens his shop at nine oclocke 

1.write to him and he writes to me
2.mary goes to a dance and henry goes with her
3.we know them very well and they know us
4.i see her in the classroom and she sees me
5.he telephones to hel every day and she sees me
6.he speaks English to us and we speak English to him
7.she speak English to me and I speak English to her

8.they write to her and she writes to them

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